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virtues of the purple jade stone


Asset to relax and unwind from the flow of life

Violet jade is the stone of calm in the middle of the storm

Recharges energy

Can be used to reduce shock or fear in very young children or the elderly

Heals feelings of guilt and extreme negativity

Brings inner essential joy

Encourages letting go of self-imposed limits

It releases negative thoughts and irritability by calming the mind and body

Stimulates ideas and dreams

Helps you cherish your ideals and dreams

Facilitates ambition

Provides confidence and assurance, autonomy and self-sufficiency

Protects against boredom and discouragement

Attunes and harmonizes intuition

Improves extrasensory perceptions

Protects from harmful or misleading entities or energies



On the physical level


Balances the nerves and calms the heartbeat

Protects against illness

Excellent for treating kidneys, spleen

Helps eliminate toxins and balance body fluids (water-salt/acid-alkaline)

Beneficial for the nervous system

Help for people with hives

Restorative property allowing cells and skeleton to stick together

Helps heal body pain

Also helps to properly bind and heal stitches






Purple jade

Only 1 left in stock
  • Beautiful shimmering stone!

    Unique model!

    Female model

    8 cm pearl

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