Magnificent matt Jasper bracelet!
Male or female model
the matte jasper has its full effect;
Matte blue jasper bracelet
Blue Jasper infuses a large dose ofenergy to the person who wears or uses it.
Ideal for findingstrength and vitality, this stone can be used to get back on your feet following an illness or to deal with a period that requiresmobilization and endurance.
It will be very appreciated bystudents during exams, or evensportsmen who want to push their limits.
Blue jasper invitestake care of yourself, and directs towardsbeneficial choices for the body.
Thus, it stimulates the attraction for ahealthy and balanced diet, it encouragesto slow down, to taketime for yourself, hasto restmore, to regularly practice aphysical activity.
In short, it encourages you to listen to your needs in order to access abetter health overall.
This stone is known to improve theblood circulation, the organs are better oxygenated and perform their functions optimally.
Furthermore, it relieves feeling of heavy legs, oftingling orcold ends. By improving the circulation oflymph, theredetox of the body becomes more efficient.
Sheeases tensions as well asback pain. It provides assistance for individuals who have to carry heavy loads, or who adopt a prolonged sitting position.
On the mental level
Blue jasper has an energizing action on the body, it also fights against exhaustion psychic. It helps to dissipate themental fog, to be gained in lucidity, to findclarity of mind Andreactivity.
This stone is recommended particularly in cases ofchronic fatigue, ofburnout, ofattention disorder or evendepression.
Since it improves theconcentration and the capabilities oflearning, Blue Jasper is particularly effective in increasing itsproductivity. It stimulates thebrain functions and allows you to achieve yourgoals, which generates a deeppersonal satisfaction.
The boost of energy it provides allows you toregain control of your lifeand therefore will increase theself-confidence. In addition, this bluish crystal invites you to have the enriching experience ofintrospection. She encouragesself-acceptance, to become aware of theirassets, but also to transform its faults into strength.
By calming thestress as well as theanxiety, Blue Jasper establishes asecurity feeling reassuring. It helps to better manageemotions to acquire morestability daily.